Oncology Massage

Touch Base Therapies

Oncology Massage Therapy is a gentle therapeutic touch that supports patients with cancer. Research shows that Oncology Massage Therapy can reduce the side effects from conventional treatment of cancer and improve the quality of life for someone undergoing cancer treatment or with a history of cancer. A nurturing massage can help the person feel whole again, re-establish a positive body image and rebuild hope.

Touch base therapies can reduce pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and nausea. Other benefits may include improvements in sleep, neuropathy, quality of life, mental clarity, and alertness.

Massage is one of the most universally used methods of support for healing the body, touch is an essential part of life including throughout cancer treatment or recovering.

There are a few misconceptions about massage for cancer patients. The main misconception is that massage can cause the cancer to spread. This is not true, cancer spreads via changes to the cells’ DNA and other processes, NOT via movement or other mechanical means.

For the person in treatment for cancer or recovering from it, massage is a therapy known to lower anxiety and pain, improve energy or decrease nausea. Comfort-orientated, relaxation massage can safely be given to people at any stage of their treatment, survivorship and for palliative/end of life.

We are pleased to offer Oncology Massage with Tracey from Refresh Body Therapies. You can book a massage by contacting the Centre.

Comfort Care for loved ones and friends at end of life

Working as an Oncology Massage therapist I found myself in hospital wards and in homes where some clients were close to end of life. Just by chatting to family and friends and seeing what was going on, I could tell many people had no knowledge of what they could do for their friend or loved one.

My research included asking clients and nursing staff what was most needed and appreciated at this stage. From here we discussed the possibility of producing an informative video on this topic and were fortunate to receive a community grant from the Toowoomba Regional Council to produce this video.

We hope you find this video helpful, and please contact the team at Hope Horizons if you would like any further information.