


Why should I make a bequest in my Will?

We have all been affected, either personally or through someone close to us, by cancer. Hope Horizons endeavours to make that journey more bearable through support, education and wellbeing services, by giving dignity, support and courage to those affected.
Leaving a bequest may add dignity and meaning to a life well lived.

What will Hope Horizons do with my gift?

Hope Horizons cannot do do the work we do without the support of the wider community, and a legacy in your Will will ensure this essential work can be continued. With a legacy donation, you will pass on a gift to those who most need it, at a time they can least afford it.

Why should I do this?

Why should I consider leaving a gift in my Will? Many people are generous in nature, but are unable to give as freely as they may wish during their lifetime. Including a bequest in your Will ensures you are finally able to fulfil some of the personal goals that may remain close to your heart. After family and other loved ones, of course. A bequest such as this will make a difference to the lives of many individuals living with cancer, and how they go about tackling this physical, emotional and psychological journey.

Wording for your will

'I (insert name here) bequeath to Hope Horizons Inc ABN 77 393 838 420 for its general purposes…

[Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]

  • the whole of my estate

  • (insert number) percentage of my estate

  • the residue of my estate

  • the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash)

  • my (insert name of asset)

free of all duties, and the receipt of by an authorised officer of Hope Horizons Inc for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).'

How do I do this?

First, talk to your family and friends. This is a very personal decision to make, but you may be surprised the support you get from the most unexpected avenues.
Once you have decided what kind of gift you want to leave, speak to a solicitor to create or update your Will. If you already have a Will, you can simply add an addendum to pledge your gift. Called a codicil, if drafted properly, this will be considered part of the Will.